9 tips to improve and optimize your copy and web content

Writing content for the web is different than writing for publications and paper. It´s necessary to “digest” small amounts of information in less time when compared to reading on paper.

This means that the website content needs to be very well organized, concise, well formatted, and attractive. So, follow these 9 tips:

1 - Use an inverted pyramid style in writing. Web content readers are impatient and need to be informed immediately if the page they are reading is relevant. So, include a summary of the main points at the beginning of the text and then develop them.

2 - Be Concise. In addition to being impatient, cybernauts are not able to digest and process information on a computer screen as they do on paper. There are a lot of studies on this topic, and the conclusion is that the contents should always be 1/3 or half of what exists in the paper version.

3 - Use headings or sub-headings. This allows the reader to see if the information in that article is relevant to him.

4 - Use Bullets and Lists. Bookmarks and lists are another way for quickly navigate around a website and see the most important information.

5 - Use simple language. Generally speaking, we simply can´t process the same information on a screen as well as on paper.

6 - Use paragraphs and short sentences. A paragraph must contain text related to a single and simple idea. Paragraphs should contain more than 70-80 words, whenever possible.

7 - Use some formatting in the text. Adding bold and italics, quotes and even hyperlinks can make the website's contents more noticeable and easier to read.

8 - Write objectively. Use objective language and avoid using exaggerated statements, such as saying that your product is the best in the world, instead of showing them "why" ...

9 - One idea per paragraph. A single paragraph should contain a single idea and a single page should cover a single topic.


The information contained in this article represents the current view of 4por4, on a subject as relevant nowadays as the content optimization on a website. But we will always be available to receive and listen your contribution and opinion.

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